Tendonitis Brace

Lots of people when experiencing pain, think that they need to use a brace in order to fix their problems. Most of the time, this is simply not the case. When experiencing any foot pain the rule is always the same. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation – especially for tendonitis. Tendonitis is a recurrent inflammatory issue that needs to be addressed mostly by ice and compression in order to eliminate the inflammation as quickly as possible in order to start the healing process as quickly as possible. Healing simply cannot begin with inflammation blocking the ability for good blood flow to travel through the injured area.

Whenever inflammation is present, always follow the RICE rule. When talking about tendonitis, lots of websites will direct you to ware a brace, or wear a walking boot – or even worse… put in arch supports! None of this is necessary if you just rest and give your body the time it needs to heal.


Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation are a good first step to getting your symptoms under control. Resting will help you avoid further strain on the tendon that’s causing your toe to seize up. Applying ice and compression together will work to relieve your pain and swelling. Elevating your foot above your heart with a pillow will help to alleviate the internal inflammation.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil and Aleve can be used to eliminate pain and swelling. Just make sure you only use painkillers during times of rest, because using them during physical activity can be dangerous. Painkillers mask the pain, making you unaware of any further damage you may be doing to your body when you’re active.


Exercises designed to stretch and strengthen will help you regain the proper movement of your big toe.


While surgery should be your absolute last resort, if conservative treatment methods have not helped after six months, you may want to review your options for surgery with a healthcare professional.