Foot Tendonitis Information

Foot tendonitis is a common condition amongst hard working people and athletes, and is not hard to heal without the help of a doctor.

Causes of Foot Tendonitis

Generally, foot tendonitis is caused by overuse and/or injury. In most cases the tendonitis develops as a result of initial strain, minor degeneration and a rupture of the tendon. Tendon inflammation as a secondary reaction. The following scenarios are likely to cause foot tendonitis:

1) Running or walking up and down steep hills

2) Activities on uneven ground

3) Standing for long periods without rest

4) Old age (tendons become brittle with age)

5) Wearing the incorrect footwear during exercise or activity

6) Flat foot types

Common Symptoms

Symptoms of foot tendonitis include pain in the posterior tibial tendon region, swelling of the foot, a “hot” feeling, pain at night and stiffness of the foot and ankle. It’s likely that a person with foot tendonitis will have a “stabbing like” pain in the arch of their foot, especially when standing on their toes. This is due to the inflammation on the nerve that surrounds the posterior tibial tendon.

Foot Tendonitis Treatment

The first step to treating foot tendonitis is to stop activity immediately. You should then apply the RICE method. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. You should never apply ice directly to the area, always wrap the ice pack in a towel. Also only apply ice in 20 minute intervals. If required, you can take regular over the counter anti-inflammatory medication. You should keep up with this style of treatment until your foot tendonitis symptoms go away.

In most cases, you will be able to treat foot tendonitis using the RICE method and there will be no need to consult your doctor. However, in severe cases where the symptoms do not subside or the tendonitis keeps recurring you should consult your doctor. Your doctor will give you a full examination and may recommend alternative methods of treatment.

Prevention Tips

Here are some tips to help prevent foot tendonitis from recurring:

1) Always wear appropriate footwear

2) Try to avoid running on uneven surfaces

3) If your shoes do not fit properly, buy some inner-soles to support your feet

4) Always warm up and stretch correctly before sports and exercise

5) If you’re returning to sports or exercise after a period of absence, always ease back in to it.