Tendonitis vs. Tendinosis

Tendonitis vs. Tendinosis
What’s the difference between tendonitis and tendinosis?  These painful conditions are similar and easy to confuse. In technical terms, tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon, which results from micro-tears that occur when your tendon is overloaded, or experiences harm from repetitive motion. Tendinosis is when the tendon begins to degenerate in response to chronic overuse, ...

Why Does Plantar Fasciitis Hurt More in the Mornings?

Why Does Plantar Fasciitis Hurt More in the Mornings?
Nobody likes waking up to stabbing heel pain first thing in the morning – unfortunately, this is all too common for those suffering from plantar fasciitis.  What is plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the plantar fascia (or the thick band of tissue that runs along the arch of your foot, connecting your ...

What are Tendonitis and Tenosynovitis?

What are Tendonitis and Tenosynovitis?
Tendons are strong cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Tendonitis is when a tendon is inflamed. It can happen to any tendon in the body. When a tendon is inflamed, it can cause swelling, pain, and discomfort. Another problem called tenosynovitis is linked to tendonitis. This is the inflammation of the lining of ...

How do Painkillers help Soft Tissue Injuries

How do Painkillers help Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft Tissue Injuries can be so painful and debilitating that it causes us to rely heavily on pain killers. But honestly, pain killers are not your friend. It is understandable that you are looking for relief from pain. Remember, though, the pain is there to stop us from hurting the area further. The pain is ...

Healing Quickly from Plantar Fasciitis

Healing Quickly from Plantar Fasciitis
With Plantar Fasciitis and foot injuries in general, sometimes making a full recovery can be challenging. Let’s start with the basics. What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is a tendon that runs along the bottom of your foot, this tendon can become damaged and inflamed from lots of things, like repetitive strain, overexertion and trauma. ...

Arch Supports for Plantar Fasciitis

Arch Supports for Plantar Fasciitis
MYTH: Arch Supports are Needed REALITY: Arch Supports are BAD It’s a common misconception that arch supports (also called orthotic inserts) are needed to correct issues with the plantar fascia and arch of the foot. Actually, you don’t want pressure applied to the middle of your foot pushing up, as this will only cause further ...

Night Splints

Night Splints
MYTH: Night Splints are Effective REALITY: Night Splints Are DAMAGING Devices that are designed to stretch the plantar fascia, such as night splints, will only make your condition worse. Night splints actually re-injure your plantar every time that you wear them. When you sleep, your body has a chance to try to repair the plantar by attempting to ...

Professional Metatarsalgia Treatment

Professional Metatarsalgia Treatment
Treat the Symptoms of Metatarsalgia In order to get rid of your Metatarsalgia, you need to determine and treat the cause. This can be difficult as there are many potential causes of Metatarsalgia, including Morton’s Neuroma, stress fractures, improper footwear, excess weight, etc. There is no one universal “cure” for Metatarsalgia, as the ideal treatment ...

Plantar Fasciitis Myths

Plantar Fasciitis Myths
The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that runs along the arch of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your metatarsals (also known as the ball of your foot). The plantar fascia is there to create the arch of your foot and contribute to proper balance and gait. You can think of it like a tightrope. You don’t want ...

Extensor Tendonitis

Extensor Tendonitis
Tendonitis implies inflammation of the tendon whereas tendinopathy is a more general term that refers to the degeneration of the tendon. As with many types of tendonitis, extensor tendonitis is an overuse injury. Badly fitting shoes or shoes that are laced too tightly causing pressure over the top of the foot. Running uphill means the ...