Understanding the Healing Process

The way our bodies work when healing is truly amazing. Understanding the healing process can help you in your recovery in many ways. Whether you’re dealing with a tear in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments, or even if you’re dealing with a more chronic condition like tendonitis or bursitis, your body will do its best to repair itself. Knowing what to expect at each different step of healing can help you prevent getting stuck in a cycle of reinjury, and help you make real, forward moving progress.

There are four stages of recovery during the healing process. During the beginning stages of an injury, your body responds to fresh trauma by forming a thin, protective membrane around the injured tissue – this is to contain any damage, stop any bleeding, and begin healing.

This is when your body begins to repair the damaged tissue. The body starts to fill in the gaps with new tissue, and this tissue continues growing, on average, for about 4-24 days after you were initially injured. This stage is when your nerves, capillaries, veins, and new tissue in general begin to heal.

Stronger tissue begins to form, which closes the wounded area over time. Scars begin to shrink or fade, and this shrinking stage typically occurs when you are three months to a year into the healing process. Because your pain may be gone at this point, it is very common to believe that you have healed during this phase, even though the process is still incomplete.

During this stage, new skin, ligament, muscle, tendon, or cartilage can begin to grow. When this final stage is complete, the wound can be considered fully healed. It will regain the same range of motion and functionality that it had prior to being injured. Any scars will be very faded or gone completely. This stage may take place between 1-2 years after being injured initially.

The reason why some people suffer injuries that take years and years to heal is because of how easy it is to get stuck in a cycle of reinjury. To heal, it is vital to give your body time to rest. Every time you feel pain from your injury as a result of some motion or action, that pain is an indication that your injury is being aggravated. You should never push through the pain – doing so can re-tear your tissue and reset the healing process back to stage 1.

When your pain goes away, you are typically only in stage 2 of the healing process. The pain may be gone, but you are only about 30% healed. Many people believe they are fully healed because their pain is gone, but the tissue has only regained 30% of its strength.

Soft tissue injuries can disrupt every part of your life, and taking an extended amount of time off due to an injury isn’t realistic for many people. Use King Brand Healthcare Products to heal as quickly as possible and get back to your life! The BFST increases your circulation and heals the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, speeding up the healing process after you’ve been injured, or even after you’ve had surgery. Regular BFST treatments help the tissue to regrow as quickly and healthily as possible.
