Feet & Pregnancy

Feet & Pregnancy
How Does Pregnancy Affect the Feet? Many pregnant women experience changes in their feet during pregnancy, such as: Foot swelling Foot pain Increase in foot size These changesĀ are most commonly seen in the third trimester. What Causes These Changes? Foot pain, foot swelling, and increase in foot size duringĀ during pregnancy may be caused by several ...

The Basics of Ruptured Tendons

The Basics of Ruptured Tendons
Tendons are the fibrous tissue that your body needs to attach muscle to bone. The forces and resistance that is applied to a tendon during its daily usage can be more than 5 times your body weight. Because of this, occasionally tendons can rupture or snap. Some particular conditions that can cause a rupture include ...

Foot Tendonitis Home Remedies

Foot Tendonitis Home Remedies
The most common causes of foot or ankle pain is tendonitis. Tendonitis is very treatable using the simplest of home remedies. The RICE method works beautifully with this type of overuse injury. Rest Once there has been an injury, resting your foot and realizing that you’re injured is the first step in a speedy recovery. ...