Heel Pain

Heel Pain
Heel Pain is usually felt underneath the heel or at the back of the heel. Heel Pain can be the result of an acute injury, but can also be caused by repetitive activities and overuse that puts a lot of strain on the heel. Causes Determining the cause of your Heel Pain can be difficult, as ...

Location of Foot Pain

Location of Foot Pain
Sometimes the location of our foot pain can help us determine what injury or condition is causing that pain. Here are the locations of the foot where the pain may be felt, and some of the corresponding injuries and conditions (some of which may be felt in more than one area): Top of Foot Pain in the ...

How Blood Flow Helps Foot Tendonitis

How Blood Flow Helps Foot Tendonitis
No matter which type of foot tendonitis you have (Plantar Fasciitis, Extensor Tendonitis, Peroneal Tendonitis, etc.), blood flow can help heal your damaged tissues. Blood flow is what the body needs to naturally heal itself. Our blood contains oxygen and nutrients, which are some of the essential ingredients for healing. When our soft tissue is ...

Insertional vs. Non-Insertional Achilles Tendonitis

Insertional vs. Non-Insertional Achilles Tendonitis
What is Achilles Tendonitis? Achilles Tendonitis occurs when the Achilles Tendon in the back of your ankle becomes irritated and inflamed. This is usually due to overuse. There are two types of Achilles Tendonitis, affecting two different areas of the tendon. These are: Insertional Achilles Tendonitis Insertional Achilles Tendonitis affects the tendon at the insertion ...

Taping Applications for Foot Tendonitis

Taping Applications for Foot Tendonitis
Below are examples of taping applications for 4 major types of Foot Tendonitis: Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Peroneal Tendonitis and Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis. Please keep in mind that these are only examples. There are many different ways to tape an injury. The internet is full of various examples and instructions. An important thing to remember ...

Foot Tendonitis Exercises

Foot Tendonitis Exercises
While exercises can help improve strength, balance and range of motion, they should only be done at a certain point in the healing process. When you first become injured, your tissues are still very raw and fragile. Rest is important at this stage. Doing exercises when you’ve just been injured is a bad idea, as ...

Aging Feet

Aging Feet
How Does Aging Affect the Feet? As we age, our feet go through changes that may compromise our foot health: Our feet become longer and wider, causing our usual footwear to become tight and uncomfortable, which can lead to the development of bunions, corns, hammertoes and calluses The padding that naturally occurs in the heel and ...

Os Trigonum Syndrome

Os Trigonum Syndrome
What is Os Trigonum Syndrome? The Os Trigonum is an extra bone at the back of the ankle that is present at birth, which only a small number of people have. Many people with this extra bone will never know they have it, since they will not experience any issues related to it. People with ...

Achilles Tendon Rupture

Achilles Tendon Rupture
Your Achilles Tendon is located at the back of your calf, just above your heel bone. An Achilles Tendon rupture occurs when the tendon tissue tears and separates into two pieces. Ruptures are also known as “complete” tendon tears. Causes Achilles Tendon ruptures can be caused by: Increased level of physical activity Sports that involve ...

Taping for Foot Tendonitis

What Is Tape? Taping is a relatively easy and effective method when it comes to treating Foot Tendonitis. Athletic tape (which is sometimes called sports tape or kinesiology tape) is designed to provide your injured muscles, tendons and ligaments with support and protection. While many professional and amateur athletes have been taping for years, it ...