How To Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

What should you know? For many people, Plantar Fasciitis can come on seemingly out of the blue, with very little provocation. However, there’s so much misinformation about how to treat plantar fasciitis out there, that some recommended treatments – such as orthotics, stretching, and cortisone shots – can actually lead to making your plantar fasciitis ...

More About Heel Spurs

More About Heel Spurs
What is a Heel Spur? A Heel Spur is a bony growth located on the underside of the heel bone. Heel Spurs are often associated with Plantar Fasciitis, but can occur without Plantar Fasciitis being present. Heel Spurs are often mistaken for Plantar Fasciitis because the signs and symptoms are so similar. This page explains the difference ...

Extensor Tendonitis Exercises

What is Extensor Tendonitis? Extensor Tendonitis occurs when the extensor tendons in the foot become irritated and inflamed. This is often caused by shoes that are too tight and run against the top of the foot, especially in runners. The Extensor Tendons are vulnerable due to the fact that there is very little fat on ...

Aging Feet

Aging Feet
How Does Aging Affect the Feet? As we age, our feet go through changes that may compromise our foot health: Our feet become longer and wider, causing our usual footwear to become tight and uncomfortable, which can lead to the development of bunions, corns, hammertoes and calluses The padding that naturally occurs in the heel and ...

Feet & Pregnancy

Feet & Pregnancy
How Does Pregnancy Affect the Feet? Many pregnant women experience changes in their feet during pregnancy, such as: Foot swelling Foot pain Increase in foot size These changes are most commonly seen in the third trimester. What Causes These Changes? Foot pain, foot swelling, and increase in foot size during during pregnancy may be caused by several ...

Stretching Is Bad!

Stretching Is Bad!
Every scenario a person is given, there are always multiple outcomes depending on which information is provided or researched. The internet is full of so many pages of irrelevant information that is just copied and pasted, and because it is so frequently copied becomes the voice of the topic whether it is right or not. ...

Extensor Tendonitis Comments

Extensor Tendonitis
Tendonitis implies to inflammation of the tendon whereas tendinopathy is a more general term which refers to the degeneration of the tendon. As with many types of tendonitis, extensor tendonitis is an overuse injury. Badly fitting shoes or shoes that are laced too tightly causing pressure over the top of the foot. Running up hill, ...