Facts About Healing Achilles Injuries

If you’ve injured your Achilles, wading through the sea of misinformation about how to treat it can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve recently been injured or you’ve been dealing with a more chronic injury that just doesn’t seem to improve, it is possible to heal an injured Achilles tendon without having surgery. Avoid Reinjury for a ...

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that can disrupt your life. Knowing the causes of plantar fasciitis can help you prevent it. Taking steps to protect the health of your feet can save you from a lot of pain over time. Insoles and orthotics Having flat feet means that your plantar fascia are more open ...

Antibiotic Induced Tendonitis

Many people are unaware that a certain type of antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, can be responsible for causing tendon damage, or even tendon rupture. This serious side effect can come on seemingly out of nowhere, and it can be a very painful condition. The good news is, there are ways to prevent and effectively treat antibiotic induced ...

Understanding the Healing Process

The way our bodies work when healing is truly amazing. Understanding the healing process can help you in your recovery in many ways. Whether you’re dealing with a tear in the muscles, tendons, or ligaments, or even if you’re dealing with a more chronic condition like tendonitis or bursitis, your body will do its best ...

Ankle Ligament Injuries

Ligaments vs. Tendons Ligaments and tendons are both made up of strong, rope-like tissue that connects to your bones and helps you to move. A tendon is a rope-like tissue that attaches to bone on one end, and the other end connects to your muscles. A ligament is a rope-like tissue that attaches to bone ...

Metatarsal Injuries

What can cause metatarsal injuries? Metatarsal injuries can be a result of a few different conditions, including a stress fracture, wearing poorly fitting footwear, or even increasing your activity level. With any soft tissue injury, one of the most important things you can do to help yourself heal is rest. Applying cold compression will also ...

Hammer Toe

What causes hammer toe? Hammer toe is a painful condition that results in a hammer-like shape or bend to the toe, typically found in the middle joint of the toe. It has a number of causes – it can be brought on by a pre-existing condition, like diabetes or arthritis, or it can be something ...

Peroneal Tendonitis

What causes peroneal tendonitis? Tendonitis of any sort can have a few different causes – overuse of the tendon, trauma or an injury, or even certain antibiotics can all lead to developing this painful condition. When your peroneal tendon is stressed dramatically or repeatedly, it can be strained or damaged, causing tendonitis. What should be ...

When To Use Heat and Cold

Why is cold beneficial? Cold therapy is very important when recovering from a soft tissue injury, especially during the beginning stages of recovery. Cold therapy works to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain. When dealing with a foot injury, it’s important to use cold all throughout your recovery. When we walk, it puts pressure onto the ...

Physical Therapy and Plantar Fasciitis

When is the right time to start physical therapy? Physical therapy can be a good thing, IF your injury is healed enough for the exercise to be beneficial. You might not be aware of two of the biggest reasons why physical therapy can often be ineffective, or make your pain worse. Two things that won’t ...