Os Trigonum Syndrome

Os Trigonum Syndrome
What is Os Trigonum Syndrome? The Os Trigonum is an extra bone at the back of the ankle that is present at birth, which only a small number of people have. Many people with this extra bone will never know they have it, since they will not experience any issues related to it. People with ...

Achilles Tendon Rupture

Achilles Tendon Rupture
Your Achilles Tendon is located at the back of your calf, just above your heel bone. An Achilles Tendon rupture occurs when the tendon tissue tears and separates into two pieces. Ruptures are also known as “complete” tendon tears. Causes Achilles Tendon ruptures can be caused by: Increased level of physical activity Sports that involve ...

Taping for Foot Tendonitis

What Is Tape? Taping is a relatively easy and effective method when it comes to treating Foot Tendonitis. Athletic tape (which is sometimes called sports tape or kinesiology tape) is designed to provide your injured muscles, tendons and ligaments with support and protection. While many professional and amateur athletes have been taping for years, it ...

How to Heal a Stretched Tendon in the Foot

Tendons are tissues that connect your muscles to your bones. They help your body move by pulling on your bones when muscles contract. The main tendons that run through the foot and ankle are the Achilles, anterior tibial, posterior tibial, flexor, extensor and peroneal tibial. When a tendon is stretched or pulled too far – ...

Extensor Tendonitis Treatments

The small muscles running down the front of the leg below the knee are known as the extensor muscles. The extensor hallucis longus (EHL), and the extensor digitorum longus (EDL), are the two main muscles in this group. Their tendons cross the ankle and insert into the toes. Together, the extensor muscles bring the toes ...

Best Remedies For Tendonitis

Tendonitis is inflammation of a tendon, the fibrous structure that connects muscle to bone. Usually, tendonitis stems from injury or overuse, and it most commonly occurs in the shoulder, wrist, heel (Achilles tendon) and elbow. The principal symptoms are pain and tenderness that are aggravated by movement of the affected area. Rest can speed recovery, ...

Peroneal Tendonitis Information

Peroneal tendonitis is the condition that develops as a result of the overloading and stress on the peroneal tendons. Peroneal tendonitis may develop from either acute or chronic overloading of the tendon. Acute meaning the tendon becomes inflamed immediately following stress, and chronic meaning the condition develops over a long period of time. The information ...

The Basics of Ruptured Tendons

Tendons are the fibrous tissue that your body needs to attach muscle to bone. The forces and resistance that is applied to a tendon during its daily usage can be more than 5 times your body weight. Because of this, occasionally tendons can rupture or snap. Some particular conditions that can cause a rupture include ...

Foot Tendonitis Information

Foot tendonitis is a common condition amongst hard working people and athletes, and is not hard to heal without the help of a doctor. Causes of Foot Tendonitis Generally, foot tendonitis is caused by overuse and/or injury. In most cases the tendonitis develops as a result of initial strain, minor degeneration and a rupture of ...

Bad Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Advise Part 2

Orthotics Why Doctors Recommend It? Orthotics are orthopedic devices made of lightweight materials that range in complexity from simple shoe inserts that are bought over-the-counter to custom-made pieces that require impressions, casting, and computer technology to create. The two should not be confused with each other because there is a great difference in effectiveness and ...