Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that can disrupt your life. Knowing the causes of plantar fasciitis can help you prevent it. Taking steps to protect the health of your feet can save you from a lot of pain over time. Insoles and orthotics Having flat feet means that your plantar fascia are more open ...

Peroneal Tendonitis

What causes peroneal tendonitis? Tendonitis of any sort can have a few different causes – overuse of the tendon, trauma or an injury, or even certain antibiotics can all lead to developing this painful condition. When your peroneal tendon is stressed dramatically or repeatedly, it can be strained or damaged, causing tendonitis. What should be ...

How To Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

What should you know? For many people, Plantar Fasciitis can come on seemingly out of the blue, with very little provocation. However, there’s so much misinformation about how to treat plantar fasciitis out there, that some recommended treatments – such as orthotics, stretching, and cortisone shots – can actually lead to making your plantar fasciitis ...

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy
What is Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy? The Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle is located in the lower leg, and attaches to the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon. This tendon runs from the outside of the ankle, down the side of the foot. When the Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle becomes damaged from overuse, this also impacts the Flexor ...

Freiberg’s Disease

What is Freiberg’s Disease? Freiberg’s Disease (also known as Freiberg’s Infraction) is a type of osteochondroses that most commonly affects the second Metatarsal bone in the foot. Your Metatarsals are a group of 5 bones that are located in the mid-foot and are connected to your toe bones. Freiberg’s Disease is often associated with Metatarsalgia. ...

Ganglion Cysts in the Feet

Ganglion Cysts in the Feet
What is a Ganglion Cyst? A ganglion cyst is a benign mass of tissue that forms below the skin. They are most likely to develop in the wrist but are also common in the foot. Ganglion cysts can vary from large to small in size, can decrease or increase in size over time, or even ...

Os Trigonum Syndrome

Os Trigonum Syndrome
What is Os Trigonum Syndrome? The Os Trigonum is an extra bone at the back of the ankle that is present at birth, which only a small number of people have. Many people with this extra bone will never know they have it, since they will not experience any issues related to it. People with ...

Gout of the Foot

Gout of the Foot
What is Gout? Gout occurs when there is a build up of uric acid in the body, which causes the uric acid to crystallize and deposit in your joints. The base of the big toe is the most common place for gout to develop. Gout is actually a form of arthritis and causes the affected ...

Is Cortisone Good For Tendonitis

Is Cortisone Good For Tendonitis
This is a tricky subject to talk freely about. Cortisone has it’s time and place, but I think the most important question isn’t whether cortisone is good for tendonitis, but whether all other treatment modalities have been exhausted. Lets start out with a little bit of detail. For the purpose of this posting we are ...