Haglund’s Deformity

What causes Haglund’s Deformity? Haglund’s deformity is characterized by a growth or a bump on the area of the heel bone where the Achilles tendon attaches. There are a few things that you may not know can contribute to this painful condition. Improperly fitting footwear, repetitive overuse, genetic predisposition, and having high arches or a ...

Trigger Toe

What is Trigger Toe? Trigger Toe is much like Trigger Finger, but affects the big toe instead of one of your fingers. Trigger Toe causes the big toe to become stiff and “locked up”, so you are unable to move the toe like you should. In some cases, Trigger Toe can cause complete immobilization of the ...

Swollen Feet, Ankles & Lower Legs

Swollen Feet, Ankles & Lower Legs
An abnormal build-up of fluid (called edema) can occur in the feet, ankles and lower legs for a variety of reasons. Edema is a sign that you are retaining fluid in these areas of the body. Edema will usually occur in both sides of the body as opposed to only one, unless the swelling is ...

Heel Pain

Heel Pain
Heel Pain is usually felt underneath the heel or at the back of the heel. Heel Pain can be the result of an acute injury, but can also be caused by repetitive activities and overuse that puts a lot of strain on the heel. Causes Determining the cause of your Heel Pain can be difficult, as ...

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Surgery
Why You Want to Avoid Surgery When it comes to any injury, surgery should always be a last resort. Non-invasive treatment methods are always preferred. Surgery is sometimes thought to be a “quick fix” that will get you back to your usual activities faster than the conservative method, but this simply isn’t true. Surgery comes ...

Plantar Fasciitis — Differential Diagnosis

Plantar Fasciitis -- Differential Diagnosis
You may think you have Plantar Fasciitis because you have foot pain, but you may actually have one of these conditions: Heel Spurs Heel Spurs are often confused with Plantar Fasciitis as the pain is located in the same area — right below the heel of the foot. The symptoms of Heel Spurs are also ...


What is Clubfoot? Clubfoot is a condition present at birth in which one or both feet are twisted inward and downward. The condition can range from mild to severe. Treatment for clubfoot should start several weeks after birth, if possible. Causes While the exact cause of clubfoot is unknown, it is thought to be hereditary. ...

Plantar Fasciitis Myths Part II

Plantar Fasciitis Myths Part II
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery You do not want to undergo surgery in order to treat your Plantar Fasciitis. Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis involves the removal or “release” of a portion of the Plantar Fascia tissue, as this is what is thought to be causing the pain. You do not want part of your Plantar Fascia to ...

Plantar Fasciitis Myths

Plantar Fasciitis Myths
Orthotics & Insoles Orthotics and other shoe inserts are often peddled as a treatment, and even cure, for Plantar Fasciitis. They are promoted as providing support for the Plantar Fascia, but they will only make your situation worse. Orthotics and arch support put unneeded upward pressure on your Plantar Fascia, which can cause further damage ...

Claw Toe

Claw Toe
What is Claw Toe? Claw Toe is a foot deformity that occurs when the bottom part of your toe points up and the top part of your toe curls under, making it look like a claw. Claw Toe is often confused with Hammer Toe, but these are two different conditions. In cases of Claw Toe, ...