Heel Spurs – Causes and Treatment

What are heel spurs?

Heel spurs are calcium deposits that may be found on the back of the heel, or on the bottom of the foot. These spurs are often caused by inflammation, particularly inflammation of the plantar fascia. They may be brought on by repeated strain or stress to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, which can cause stretching or tearing of the plantar fascia. There are many other causes, including improper footwear, exercise, and improper stretching. Plantar fasciitis can also be caused by wearing footwear that puts pressure onto any one specific part of the foot.

In fact, plantar fasciitis and heel spurs are closely so closely interrelated that plantar fasciitis is often mistaken for heel spurs, and vice versa. It is common to have heel spurs in addition to plantar fasciitis, since spurs can be caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia. Luckily, plantar fasciitis and heel spurs are treated the same way.

How are heel spurs treated?

Whether you’re dealing with plantar fasciitis or heel spurs, or both – the first step is to rest. Walking puts pressure on the foot, and in turn, onto your injury, keeping it in a constant state of inflammation and keeping it from healing effectively. Rest and cold therapy are essential to fight inflammation and reduce pain and swelling. The ColdCure® offers superior cold compression therapy – it conforms to the bottom of your foot and your heel, and the gel is designed to hold its form for the best coverage.

The BFST® is your solution to heal any soft tissue injury, such as plantar fasciitis. The BFST® works wonderfully for pain relief from bone spurs. While it cannot actually heal the bone, the BFST® will heal all of the soft tissue in the area you treat, including the plantar fascia, which are often the cause of bone spurs.

Other helpful things you can do to help heal heel spurs include taking Vitamin D, and reducing your calcium intake. Reducing your activity is essential to give these calcifications time to dissipate, and wearing footwear that does not put pressure on any particular part of the foot (i.e. arch or heel supports) will avoid aggravating the injury further.

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