Physical Therapy and Plantar Fasciitis

When is the right time to start physical therapy? Physical therapy can be a good thing, IF your injury is healed enough for the exercise to be beneficial. You might not be aware of two of the biggest reasons why physical therapy can often be ineffective, or make your pain worse. Two things that won’t ...

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel SyndromeTarsal Tunnel Syndrome
What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome? Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is pressure on the posterior tibial nerve, causing pain below the inside portion of the ankle bone. This pain will also be present in the arch of the foot, and it may be accompanied by a burning sensation. It’s called Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome because the ...

Plantar Fasciitis — Differential Diagnosis

Plantar Fasciitis -- Differential DiagnosisPlantar Fasciitis -- Differential Diagnosis
You may think you have Plantar Fasciitis because you have foot pain, but you may actually have one of these conditions: Heel Spurs Heel Spurs are often confused with Plantar Fasciitis as the pain is located in the same area — right below the heel of the foot. The symptoms of Heel Spurs are also ...

The Absolute Best Plantar Fasciitis Treatments

The Absolute Best Plantar Fasciitis TreatmentsThe Absolute Best Plantar Fasciitis Treatments
We’ve already gone over the Plantar Fasciitis treatments you should avoid in our Plantar Fasciitis Myths posts, so now it’s time for the treatments that are actually effective. Rest If you have Plantar Fasciitis, one of the most important things you can do is rest your foot. This can mean trying to keep the weight ...

Talar Dome Lesion

Talar Dome LesionTalar Dome Lesion
What is a Talar Dome Lesion? A Talar Dome Lesion occurs when the ankle bone and cartilage covering it fail to heal properly following injury. This is also known as an Osteochondral Lesion. Depending on the severity of your Talar Dome Lesion, your cartilage and bone may begin to soften and break off inside your ankle, but signs ...

Plantar Fascia Release

Plantar Fascia ReleasePlantar Fascia Release
What is Plantar Fascia Release? Plantar Fascia Release is a surgical procedure that is designed to relieve the tension on the plantar fascia by “releasing” it from the heel bone. The procedure may also involve the removal of the damaged portion of the plantar tissue. There is also something called a “Partial Release” procedure, where ...

Total Ankle Replacement

Total Ankle ReplacementTotal Ankle Replacement
What is a Total Ankle Replacement? Also known as a Total Ankle Arthroplasty (TAA), a Total Ankle Replacement is usually performed in cases of ankle arthritis where there has been significant damage to the ankle bone and cartilage. During the procedure, the damaged ankle bone and cartilage are removed and replaced with artificial components. The purpose ...

Peroneal Tendon Subluxation

Peroneal Tendon SubluxationPeroneal Tendon Subluxation
What is Peroneal Tendon Subluxation? The Peroneal Tendons connect the Peroneal Muscles in your lower leg to bones in your ankle and foot. The Peroneal Tendons are contained in a tunnel that is made of fibrous tissue known as the Peroneal Retinaculum. The purpose of the Peroneal Retinaculum is to help keep the Peroneal Tendons in place. ...

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

Sinus Tarsi SyndromeSinus Tarsi Syndrome
What is Sinus Tarsi Syndrome? Sinus Tarsi Syndrome occurs when the soft tissue in the sinus tarsi area of your ankle becomes inflamed. The sinus tarsi is a bony space on the outside part of the ankle, located between the ankle bone and the heel bone. This area is also known as the subtalar joint. If ...

Morton’s Neuroma Surgery

Morton's Neuroma SurgeryMorton's Neuroma Surgery
What is Morton’s Neuroma Surgery? Morton’s Neuroma Surgery involves the removal of the neuroma (benign tumor) itself, as well as the affected nerve. In cases where non-surgical treatment for a Morton’s Neuroma is unsuccessful, surgery may be required. What Should I Expect? Surgery to remove a Morton’s Neuroma is usually done under general anesthetic, though local anesthetic ...