Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that can disrupt your life. Knowing the causes of plantar fasciitis can help you prevent it. Taking steps to protect the health of your feet can save you from a lot of pain over time. Insoles and orthotics Having flat feet means that your plantar fascia are more open ...

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome? Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is pressure on the posterior tibial nerve, causing pain below the inside portion of the ankle bone. This pain will also be present in the arch of the foot, and it may be accompanied by a burning sensation. It’s called Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome because the ...

Location of Foot Pain

Location of Foot Pain
Sometimes the location of our foot pain can help us determine what injury or condition is causing that pain. Here are the locations of the foot where the pain may be felt, and some of the corresponding injuries and conditions (some of which may be felt in more than one area): Top of Foot Pain in the ...

Plantar Fasciitis Causes

Plantar Fasciitis Causes
Repetitive Strain Repeated injury to the Plantar Fascia over time can lead to the development of Plantar Fasciitis. This can be caused by activities such as running or playing sports. It can also be from spending all day on your feet at work. If these activities are causing small tears every time you do them, ...

Plantar Fasciitis — Differential Diagnosis

Plantar Fasciitis -- Differential Diagnosis
You may think you have Plantar Fasciitis because you have foot pain, but you may actually have one of these conditions: Heel Spurs Heel Spurs are often confused with Plantar Fasciitis as the pain is located in the same area — right below the heel of the foot. The symptoms of Heel Spurs are also ...

Cuboid Syndrome

Cuboid Syndrome
What is Cuboid Syndrome? Cuboid Syndrome (also called cuboid subluxation) occurs when there is a partial dislocation of the cuboid bone, usually caused by an ankle injury. The cuboid is a small bone located on the outer side of the foot and is part of the calcaneocuboid joint. Causes Common causes of Cuboid Syndrome include ankle ...

Flat Feet

Flat Feet
What are “Flat Feet”? Having flat feet (or fallen arches) means that you don’t have a visible arch in your foot. Babies and toddlers have flat feet because arches actually don’t develop until childhood. This is known as flexible flatfoot because while the arch may not be visible when the baby or toddler is standing, it ...