Ankle Bursitis

What is ankle bursitis and what causes it? Bursitis results from the bursae, or little pouches full of fluid, becoming inflamed as a result of injury, repetitive motion, or overuse. It’s an incredibly painful condition that results in swelling, pain, and limited range of motion, and it can have a negative effect on many aspects ...

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy
What is Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy? The Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle is located in the lower leg, and attaches to the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon. This tendon runs from the outside of the ankle, down the side of the foot. When the Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle becomes damaged from overuse, this also impacts the Flexor ...

Osteochondroses of the Foot & Ankle

What are Osteochondroses? Osteochondroses are a group of conditions that affect children and teens. Osteochondroses involve the break down of the structure of a joint (tissue, bone) that is caused by a lack of blood supply. While there are several Osteochondroses that affect the foot and ankle (such as Kohler’s Disease and Freiberg’s Disease), there ...

Swollen Feet, Ankles & Lower Legs

Swollen Feet, Ankles & Lower Legs
An abnormal build-up of fluid (called edema) can occur in the feet, ankles and lower legs for a variety of reasons. Edema is a sign that you are retaining fluid in these areas of the body. Edema will usually occur in both sides of the body as opposed to only one, unless the swelling is ...

When to Use Cold vs. Heat

When to Use Cold vs. Heat
Alternating Cold & Hot Treatments It’s best not to alternate cold and hot treatments, as this will only result in one treatment counteracting the other. The purpose of applying cold to an injury is to bring down inflammation and swelling and help control the pain. Applying cold causes the blood vessels to restrict. The purpose of applying ...

What You Need to Know About Healing

What You Need to Know About Healing
Healing Times Depend on a Variety of Factors Healing times vary depending on the following: The severity of the injury or condition The amount of rest you’re getting How dedicated your are to treating the injury (whether it’s with RICE, blood flow, taping, etc.) How long you’ve had the injury (is it new or recurring?) The ...

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
What is Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome? Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is pressure on the posterior tibial nerve, causing pain below the inside portion of the ankle bone. This pain will also be present in the arch of the foot, and it may be accompanied by a burning sensation. It’s called Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome because the ...

Claw Toe

Claw Toe
What is Claw Toe? Claw Toe is a foot deformity that occurs when the bottom part of your toe points up and the top part of your toe curls under, making it look like a claw. Claw Toe is often confused with Hammer Toe, but these are two different conditions. In cases of Claw Toe, ...

Talar Dome Lesion

Talar Dome Lesion
What is a Talar Dome Lesion? A Talar Dome Lesion occurs when the ankle bone and cartilage covering it fail to heal properly following injury. This is also known as an Osteochondral Lesion. Depending on the severity of your Talar Dome Lesion, your cartilage and bone may begin to soften and break off inside your ankle, but signs ...

Peroneal Tendon Subluxation

Peroneal Tendon Subluxation
What is Peroneal Tendon Subluxation? The Peroneal Tendons connect the Peroneal Muscles in your lower leg to bones in your ankle and foot. The Peroneal Tendons are contained in a tunnel that is made of fibrous tissue known as the Peroneal Retinaculum. The purpose of the Peroneal Retinaculum is to help keep the Peroneal Tendons in place. ...