Arthritis of the Foot

What is arthritis? Arthritis is a very painful condition causing inflammation, pain, and stiffness of the joints. A couple of common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative condition where the cartilage thins and wears down, which can eventually result in bone on bone contact. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic ...

More About Heel Spurs

More About Heel Spurs
What is a Heel Spur? A Heel Spur is a bony growth located on the underside of the heel bone. Heel Spurs are often associated with Plantar Fasciitis, but can occur without Plantar Fasciitis being present. Heel Spurs are often mistaken for Plantar Fasciitis because the signs and symptoms are so similar. This page explains the difference ...

Foot Enthesopathy

Foot Enthesopathy
What is Enthesopathy? Enthesopathy occurs when there is inflammation at the connection site between soft tissue and bone. Enthesopathy is also known as Enthesitis. Enthesopathy can affect parts of the body other than the foot, such as the knee, ankle, spine and hip. Causes Enthesopathy of the foot is often associated with Plantar Fasciitis, as ...

Heel Pain

Heel Pain
Heel Pain is usually felt underneath the heel or at the back of the heel. Heel Pain can be the result of an acute injury, but can also be caused by repetitive activities and overuse that puts a lot of strain on the heel. Causes Determining the cause of your Heel Pain can be difficult, as ...

Plantar Fasciitis — Differential Diagnosis

Plantar Fasciitis -- Differential Diagnosis
You may think you have Plantar Fasciitis because you have foot pain, but you may actually have one of these conditions: Heel Spurs Heel Spurs are often confused with Plantar Fasciitis as the pain is located in the same area — right below the heel of the foot. The symptoms of Heel Spurs are also ...

Total Ankle Replacement

Total Ankle Replacement
What is a Total Ankle Replacement? Also known as a Total Ankle Arthroplasty (TAA), a Total Ankle Replacement is usually performed in cases of ankle arthritis where there has been significant damage to the ankle bone and cartilage. During the procedure, the damaged ankle bone and cartilage are removed and replaced with artificial components. The purpose ...

Flat Feet

Flat Feet
What are “Flat Feet”? Having flat feet (or fallen arches) means that you don’t have a visible arch in your foot. Babies and toddlers have flat feet because arches actually don’t develop until childhood. This is known as flexible flatfoot because while the arch may not be visible when the baby or toddler is standing, it ...