Ankle Extensor Tendonitis Treatment

What causes ankle extensor tendonitis? Tendonitis in general is when you experience inflammation, irritation, or damage of the tendons – with ankle extensor tendonitis, the tendons on the top of your feet are affected. This can make it difficult to move your ankle and toes, walk, and even sleep. Ankle extensor tendonitis may appear to ...

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis Comments

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
  The posterior tibial tendon is one of the most important tendons in the leg. The posterior tibial tendon attaches the calf muscle to the bones inside of the foot. The main function of this tendon is to hold up the arch and support the foot while walking. A tremendous amount of tension and stress ...

Anterior Tibialis Tendonitis Comments

Anterior Tibialis Tendonitis
Anterior tibialis tendonitis is a common overuse injury, mostly found in middle aged or older individuals and in runners, and is most often caused by a minor trauma like spraining your ankle. The tendon’s main function is to help stabilize and pull your foot up off the ground when you walk. When inflamed, pain is ...

The Facts About Tarsal Tunnel!

Tarsal Tunnel Symptoms Like the more commonly known Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which mainly occurs in the hand and wrist, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is a similar medical condition which occurs in the foot as a result of a pinched nerve. When the posterior tibial nerve experiences an extraordinary amount of stress or pressure, symptoms or Tarsal ...

Plantar Fibroma

The most common disorder that occurs on the bottom of the foot and presents like a soft lump in the arch region is known as a Plantar Fibroma. This is a disorder where a soft tissue mass forms or develops within the plantar fascia which is located on the bottom of the foot. The plantar ...