Freiberg’s Disease

What is Freiberg’s Disease? Freiberg’s Disease (also known as Freiberg’s Infraction) is a type of osteochondroses that most commonly affects the second Metatarsal bone in the foot. Your Metatarsals are a group of 5 bones that are located in the mid-foot and are connected to your toe bones. Freiberg’s Disease is often associated with Metatarsalgia. ...

Osteochondroses of the Foot & Ankle

What are Osteochondroses? Osteochondroses are a group of conditions that affect children and teens. Osteochondroses involve the break down of the structure of a joint (tissue, bone) that is caused by a lack of blood supply. While there are several Osteochondroses that affect the foot and ankle (such as Kohler’s Disease and Freiberg’s Disease), there ...

Swollen Feet, Ankles & Lower Legs

Swollen Feet, Ankles & Lower Legs
An abnormal build-up of fluid (called edema) can occur in the feet, ankles and lower legs for a variety of reasons. Edema is a sign that you are retaining fluid in these areas of the body. Edema will usually occur in both sides of the body as opposed to only one, unless the swelling is ...

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Surgery
Why You Want to Avoid Surgery When it comes to any injury, surgery should always be a last resort. Non-invasive treatment methods are always preferred. Surgery is sometimes thought to be a “quick fix” that will get you back to your usual activities faster than the conservative method, but this simply isn’t true. Surgery comes ...

Plantar Fasciitis — Differential Diagnosis

Plantar Fasciitis -- Differential Diagnosis
You may think you have Plantar Fasciitis because you have foot pain, but you may actually have one of these conditions: Heel Spurs Heel Spurs are often confused with Plantar Fasciitis as the pain is located in the same area — right below the heel of the foot. The symptoms of Heel Spurs are also ...


What is Sesamoiditis? Sesamoiditis occurs when the tendons that surround the sesamoid bones in your big toe become irritated and inflamed. The sesamoid bones within the big toe can also be fractured, but this will present with immediate pain, whereas pain caused by Sesamoiditis begins gradually and increases with continued activity. Sesamoiditis is considered a form of ...