Trigger Toe

What is Trigger Toe? Trigger Toe is much like Trigger Finger, but affects the big toe instead of one of your fingers. Trigger Toe causes the big toe to become stiff and “locked up”, so you are unable to move the toe like you should. In some cases, Trigger Toe can cause complete immobilization of the ...

What You Need to Know About Healing

What You Need to Know About Healing
Healing Times Depend on a Variety of Factors Healing times vary depending on the following: The severity of the injury or condition The amount of rest you’re getting How dedicated your are to treating the injury (whether it’s with RICE, blood flow, taping, etc.) How long you’ve had the injury (is it new or recurring?) The ...

Extensor Tendonitis Exercises

What is Extensor Tendonitis? Extensor Tendonitis occurs when the extensor tendons in the foot become irritated and inflamed. This is often caused by shoes that are too tight and run against the top of the foot, especially in runners. The Extensor Tendons are vulnerable due to the fact that there is very little fat on ...

Plantar Fasciitis Myths Part II

Plantar Fasciitis Myths Part II
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery You do not want to undergo surgery in order to treat your Plantar Fasciitis. Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis involves the removal or “release” of a portion of the Plantar Fascia tissue, as this is what is thought to be causing the pain. You do not want part of your Plantar Fascia to ...

Plantar Fasciitis Myths

Plantar Fasciitis Myths
Orthotics & Insoles Orthotics and other shoe inserts are often peddled as a treatment, and even cure, for Plantar Fasciitis. They are promoted as providing support for the Plantar Fascia, but they will only make your situation worse. Orthotics and arch support put unneeded upward pressure on your Plantar Fascia, which can cause further damage ...