Facts About Healing Achilles Injuries

If you’ve injured your Achilles, wading through the sea of misinformation about how to treat it can be overwhelming. Whether you’ve recently been injured or you’ve been dealing with a more chronic injury that just doesn’t seem to improve, it is possible to heal an injured Achilles tendon without having surgery. Avoid Reinjury for a ...

Achilles Tendonitis Myths

So you hurt your Achilles tendon – now what? Achilles tendon injuries can be so painful that you’ll try anything to get some relief. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about how to most effectively heal a damaged Achilles tendon, and it’s important to educate yourself to avoid treatments that can lead to negative ...

When to Use Cold vs. Heat

When to Use Cold vs. Heat
Alternating Cold & Hot Treatments It’s best not to alternate cold and hot treatments, as this will only result in one treatment counteracting the other. The purpose of applying cold to an injury is to bring down inflammation and swelling and help control the pain. Applying cold causes the blood vessels to restrict. The purpose of applying ...