Trigger Toe

What is Trigger Toe? Trigger Toe is much like Trigger Finger, but affects the big toe instead of one of your fingers. Trigger Toe causes the big toe to become stiff and “locked up”, so you are unable to move the toe like you should. In some cases, Trigger Toe can cause complete immobilization of the ...

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy
What is Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendinopathy? The Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle is located in the lower leg, and attaches to the Flexor Hallucis Longus tendon. This tendon runs from the outside of the ankle, down the side of the foot. When the Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle becomes damaged from overuse, this also impacts the Flexor ...

When to Use Cold vs. Heat

When to Use Cold vs. Heat
Alternating Cold & Hot Treatments It’s best not to alternate cold and hot treatments, as this will only result in one treatment counteracting the other. The purpose of applying cold to an injury is to bring down inflammation and swelling and help control the pain. Applying cold causes the blood vessels to restrict. The purpose of applying ...

What You Need to Know About Healing

What You Need to Know About Healing
Healing Times Depend on a Variety of Factors Healing times vary depending on the following: The severity of the injury or condition The amount of rest you’re getting How dedicated your are to treating the injury (whether it’s with RICE, blood flow, taping, etc.) How long you’ve had the injury (is it new or recurring?) The ...