How Blood Flow Helps Foot Tendonitis

How Blood Flow Helps Foot Tendonitis
No matter which type of foot tendonitis you have (Plantar Fasciitis, Extensor Tendonitis, Peroneal Tendonitis, etc.), blood flow can help heal your damaged tissues. Blood flow is what the body needs to naturally heal itself. Our blood contains oxygen and nutrients, which are some of the essential ingredients for healing. When our soft tissue is ...

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

How to Avoid Plantar Fasciitis Surgery
Why You Want to Avoid Surgery When it comes to any injury, surgery should always be a last resort. Non-invasive treatment methods are always preferred. Surgery is sometimes thought to be a “quick fix” that will get you back to your usual activities faster than the conservative method, but this simply isn’t true. Surgery comes ...

Plantar Fasciitis Causes

Plantar Fasciitis Causes
Repetitive Strain Repeated injury to the Plantar Fascia over time can lead to the development of Plantar Fasciitis. This can be caused by activities such as running or playing sports. It can also be from spending all day on your feet at work. If these activities are causing small tears every time you do them, ...

Plantar Fasciitis — Differential Diagnosis

Plantar Fasciitis -- Differential Diagnosis
You may think you have Plantar Fasciitis because you have foot pain, but you may actually have one of these conditions: Heel Spurs Heel Spurs are often confused with Plantar Fasciitis as the pain is located in the same area — right below the heel of the foot. The symptoms of Heel Spurs are also ...


What is Clubfoot? Clubfoot is a condition present at birth in which one or both feet are twisted inward and downward. The condition can range from mild to severe. Treatment for clubfoot should start several weeks after birth, if possible. Causes While the exact cause of clubfoot is unknown, it is thought to be hereditary. ...

Plantar Fasciitis Myths

Plantar Fasciitis Myths
Orthotics & Insoles Orthotics and other shoe inserts are often peddled as a treatment, and even cure, for Plantar Fasciitis. They are promoted as providing support for the Plantar Fascia, but they will only make your situation worse. Orthotics and arch support put unneeded upward pressure on your Plantar Fascia, which can cause further damage ...


What is Sesamoiditis? Sesamoiditis occurs when the tendons that surround the sesamoid bones in your big toe become irritated and inflamed. The sesamoid bones within the big toe can also be fractured, but this will present with immediate pain, whereas pain caused by Sesamoiditis begins gradually and increases with continued activity. Sesamoiditis is considered a form of ...

Claw Toe

Claw Toe
What is Claw Toe? Claw Toe is a foot deformity that occurs when the bottom part of your toe points up and the top part of your toe curls under, making it look like a claw. Claw Toe is often confused with Hammer Toe, but these are two different conditions. In cases of Claw Toe, ...

Taping Applications for Foot Tendonitis

Taping Applications for Foot Tendonitis
Below are examples of taping applications for 4 major types of Foot Tendonitis: Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, Peroneal Tendonitis and Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis. Please keep in mind that these are only examples. There are many different ways to tape an injury. The internet is full of various examples and instructions. An important thing to remember ...

Ganglion Cysts in the Feet

Ganglion Cysts in the Feet
What is a Ganglion Cyst? A ganglion cyst is a benign mass of tissue that forms below the skin. They are most likely to develop in the wrist but are also common in the foot. Ganglion cysts can vary from large to small in size, can decrease or increase in size over time, or even ...